Sold LippoM at 0.41 today after buying at 0.385 (
Reasons for selling :
- 6.5% in less than a month
- Moody may release news of LippoM downgrade.
- Still holding some LippoM shares bought at much lower prices.
Switched to Mapletree Ind at 2.08 and Kep Infra at 0.59 today. Note that both these purchases are bought at close to all time highs.
Reasons for buying Mapletree Ind:
- XD likely on 31 Jan
- Bought data centres recently, with earnings expected to grow.
- Have been eyeing for the longest time waiting for price to drop, but price keep trending up.
- 5.59% dividend yield with low gearing
- Rising DPU (most important reason)
Reasons for buying Kep Infra:
- XD likely on 31 Jan
- Defensive counter. Even if economy crashes, utility companies earnings are not likely to suffer. (most important reason)
- Have been eyeing for the longest time waiting for price to drop, but price keep trending up.
- 6.3% dividend yield with low gearing
- DPU is stable
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