Ascendas HTrust entry

Last week, my REITs shifu invested in Ascendas HTrust, which I also followed yesterday, because I concurred with his assessment.

  • Yield : 6.9%
  • Gearing : 33%
  • P/NAV : 0.93
  • Run 11 hotels
  • By NPI, Australia (50%) + Japan (26%) + Singapore (15%) + China (9%)

I like the fact that the DPU trend has been very stable through the years. I am also speculating that Australia will growing in next couple of years. For me, this is a long term investment and not a short term trade. My yield on cost is 6.87%.

My shifu, Kenny Loh (, will be conducting his signature REITs course on 30 Sep. If you’ll like to learn how a REITs expert evaluates and selects strong REITs, I strongly encourage you to attend his course. Contact me for a discount code.

  • I'm a remisier with Maybank Securities, and as a bonds and REITs investor myself, I guide my clients to build resilient bonds and REITs portfolios. If you like to be guided, please open a trading account to become my client; It's free!