I want to travel, and so does everyone else!

Every class in every plane is almost fully booked. Aviation and hotel companies are hiring in droves. Demand is way greater than supply.

The desire to travel is taking hold in everyone, including me.  Now you must know that I am not someone who craves to travel. But I must admit that I have caught this travel bug.

Yesterday 20 June after lunch, I bought

  • SIA
  • Sats
  • CDL HTrust

These stocks did not drop much the past couple months. They are not very cheap compared to the beaten down tech stocks.

I asked myself what kind of business will boom even through a recession. It clear to me. I must say that I have always avoided hospitality and aviation stocks all these years of investing. However, my guess is that travel industry will grow from strength to strength in the next 1 year – recession or not.

  • I'm a remisier with Maybank Securities, and as a bonds and REITs investor myself, I guide my clients to build resilient bonds and REITs portfolios. If you like to be guided, please open a trading account to become my client; It's free!